tape-monkey's blog

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

@fingr - http://fingr.info - my latest invention

Hello. me again. Just a quick note to tell you about my latest wheeze;

'@fingr' - what is it? It's an equivalent to the old 'finger' implementation for UNIX - the twist is, is that it works on top of Twitter, as opposed to from the command line.

It is very easy to use - just go to http://twitter.com/fingr and click 'follow'

then, to set your status, send a Twitter DM to fingr - i.e.

d fingr 'today i will be visiting clients but will be back at my desk by 15:00 - SMS me on KLONDIKE 5-3226 if u need me urgently'

To check someone else's status, send a Twitter DM to fingr - i.e.

d fingr @someuserorother

- you will then receive a direct message back from @fingr with @someuserorother's status back!

Easy! :-)

See http://fingr.info for a little more info.

I have some other features coming over the next week-or-so - watch this space!


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